From The Frying Pan To The Jacuzzi
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From The Frying Pan To The Jacuzzi is a blend of sound, and practical advice on relationships that adds a blend of humor and fun. It is not a "preach to you" type of book, but a philosophy of combining humor and understanding that no one is perfect and there is no such thing as a perfect marriage or relationship. This is a book that can and should be read together so that you can both enjoy the sometimes hilarious "takes" that the author has on life and relationships. Truly enjoyed it and will lend it to others, but will keep track of it so that I can read and re-read several sections that I need to incorporate into my very being. I feel blessed that my friend would purchase it for me during a difficult time in my marriage. Thanks Vern for writing it and sharing it. Great book !

This book was fun to read and the author's wisdom and practical insights immediately pulled me in. As a therapist, I am constantly seeking books to recommend to couples that are readable and that offer strategies that are easy to use. THIS IS THE BOOK I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR! Easy to read and relate to, it speaks to issues and problems that all couples have faced or will face no matter how long they have been together. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will continue to refer couples to its pages for concepts and tools that will undoubtedly improve the quality of life for many couples and that will help therapists be more effective with their patients and clients
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