From The Frying Pan To The Jacuzzi
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     When I first began my practice, back in the twentieth century, it seemed that many couples came to therapy just so they could say, "We've tried everything, even therapy!"  They brought in truck loads of irreconcilable differences, a nice term for junk!  It seemed that they were determined to convince themselves that their relationship was beyond the beyond!  And, for my part, it never occurred to me to suggest that they drive all this junk directly from my office to the local dump or to put it all out on the curb for trash pickup!

      Somewhere, around the turn of the current century, I began to notice a shift.  Oh absolutely, we're all still fighting over the same old stuff.  BUT couples are no longer quite so eager to escape their relationship.  It occurred to me that just maybe, we are all getting it.  We don't have to live in the irreconcilable differences.  We can choose to live in the relationship which feels "mawvelous," and maybe even a gourmet relationship at that!
  From The Frying Pan To The Jacuzzi cookbooks for couples just how to do that.  There are twenty-one pieces of juicy fruit (knowings or awarenesses) and recipes, gourmet recipes, to make it happen.
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